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So., 05. Feb.
Move & Groove in 5 (online)
In this interactive online workshop in English you will learn a body percussion choreo in five-beat meter based on a Brazilian rhythm. It's fun to play and groove in what may at first seem like an unfamiliar time signature. On top we spice everything up with funky vocal percussion and a loop song.
Anmeldung abgeschlossen
Veranstaltungen ansehenZeit & Ort
05. Feb. 2023, 18:00 – 19:15 MEZ
Über die Veranstaltung
This workshop is ideal for participants with intermediate/advanced experience and is self-contained. Ambitious beginners are of course also welcome.
The workshop has a duration of 75 minutes and starts at 6:00pm Berlin time.
#internationaldayofbodymusic #bodymusicday23 #ibmf #bodymusic #bodypercussion
Move and Groove in 5
16,00 €Verkauf beendet
0,00 €
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